Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143  (113K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143  (229K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143  (288K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143  (319K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143 1940  (71K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143 1940  (128K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BB+YQ) vkz (6W+xN) WrkN100143 1940  (320K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (SB+MU) vkz (6W+KN) WrkN100236 5th Staffel Blue Ship with Red Sails Over Blue Waves On White Shield Emblem
Brest-Hourtin, France 1942  (79K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (SB+MU) vkz (6W+KN) WrkN100236 5th Staffel Blue Ship with Red Sails Over Blue Waves On White Shield Emblem
Brest-Hourtin, France 1942  (99K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (SB+MU) vkz (6W+KN) WrkN100236 5th Staffel Blue Ship with Red Sails Over Blue Waves On White Shield Emblem
Brest-Hourtin, France 1942  (157K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (SB+MU) vkz (6W+KN) WrkN100236 5th Staffel Blue Ship with Red Sails Over Blue Waves On White Shield Emblem
Brest-Hourtin France 1942  (100K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (6W+VN) with SC50 Bombs Launched By Crane Cherbourg Octeville Airfield, Le Havre, Normandy, France 1941  (81K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (6W+VN) with SC50 Bombs Launched By Crane Cherbourg Octeville Airfield, Le Havre, Normandy, France 1941  (124K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (6W+VN) with SC50 Bombs
Le Havre, Normandy, France 1941  (60K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (6W+VN) with SC50 Bombs
Le Havre Normandy France 1941  (100K)
Ar196A-3 5.BordFlGr196 (BI+BG) vkz (6W+LN) WrkN100158 & (DH+HM) vkz (6W+PN) WrkN100193 & Others 5th Staffel Blue Ship with Red Sails Over Blue Waves On White Shield Emblem Brest-Hourtin France  (88K)
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Ar196A-3 1.KuFlGr706 (NF+TI) vkz (6I+LH) WrkN100316 Over Fjords in Norway 1940  (214K)
Ar196A-3 1.KuFlGr706 (NF+TI) vkz (6I+LH) WrkN100316 Over Fjords in Norway 1940  (500K)
Ar196A-3 1.KuFlGr706 Flown By Leutnant Gunther Mehrens Flying Low Over British Minelayer Submarine Named 'HMS Seal' After Forced to Surrender & Now Being Towed To Frederikshavn Port, Denmark May 5, 1940  (71K)
Ar196A-3 1.KuFlGr706 Flown By Leutnant Gunther Mehrens Flying Low Over British Minelayer Submarine Named 'HMS Seal' After Forced to Surrender & Now Being Towed To Frederikshavn Port, Denmark May 5, 1940  (97K)
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