Me109G-6/Trop JG51 Geschwader Hawk Head Emblem Yellow10 with Engine Running, & Pilot & Crew Preparing For Mission
[1024x649] (60K)
Me109G-6/Trop JG51 Geschwader Hawk Head Emblem Yellow10 with Engine Running, & Pilot & Crew Preparing For Mission
[1600x1013] (95K)
Me109G-6/Trop JG51 Geschwader Hawk Head Emblem Yellow10 with Engine Running, & Pilot & Crew Preparing For Mission
[1920x1216] (107K)
Me109G-6 III.JG77 III-Gruppe Red Heart On White Diamond with Yellow Border with Dashed Lines Emblem Checking Engine Oil During PreFlight Checks
Spring 1943
[550x389] (64K)
Me109G-6 III.JG77 III-Gruppe Red Heart On White Diamond with Yellow Border with Dashed Lines Emblem Checking Engine Oil During PreFlight Checks
Spring 1943
[812x564] (73K)
Me109-E4 JG27 with RLM02 Spotted Camouflage Typical of Period Between Battle-of-Britain & Operation Barbarossa Mechanics Replacing Engine During Balkan Campaign At Kresna Pass, Bulgaria April May, 1941
[775x451] (126K)
Me109-E4 JG27 with RLM02 Spotted Camouflage Typical of Period Between Battle-of-Britain & Operation Barbarossa Mechanics Replacing Engine During Balkan Campaign At Kresna Pass, Bulgaria April May, 1941
[1200x723] (123K)
Me109-E4 JG27 with RLM02 Spotted Camouflage Typical of Period Between Battle-of-Britain & Operation Barbarossa Mechanics Replacing Engine During Balkan Campaign At Kresna Pass, Bulgaria April May, 1941
[1229x802] (126K)
Me109F-4 I.1.JG27 White 5 WNr.8478 I-Gruppe Lioness Over Africa Emblem Abandoned & Damaged with Bent Propeller At El Adem, Libya December, 1941
[1013x811] (109K)
Me109F-4 I.1.JG27 White 5 WNr.8478 I-Gruppe Lioness Over Africa Emblem Abandoned & Damaged with Bent Propeller At El Adem, Libya December, 1941
[1232x832] (104K)
Me109E-3 I.2.JG77 Black 1
I-Gruppe White Boot Emblem Pilot Getting Last Minute Information By Field Phone Before Start of Mission
[1022x599] (74K)
Me109G-6/R6/Trop JG 53 Unknown Staffel Yellow 1 with R6 MG151 20mm Wing Cannons Removed Captured By USAAF
In Sicily, Italy 1943
[2378x1376] (205K)
Me109-F1 Stab-JG51
(SG+GV) WrkN5627
[1024x683] (90K)
Me109-F1 Stab-JG51
(SG+GV) WrkN5627
[1600x1067] (120K)
Me109-F1 Stab-JG51
(SG+GV) WrkN5627
[1920x1280] (140K)